Independent Non-Executive Director
Shaun Gregory
Skills and experience
Shaun has had an extensive career across media, advertising and telecommunications spanning over 30 years. He has held senior roles across Emap PLC, Telegraph Media Group, Blyk and Telefonica. More recently, he has been the CEO of Exterion Media and IYUNO Media Group and is currently the CEO of EMG Group.
Shaun has also been a Non-Executive Director on many company boards, including WEVE, Telefonica’s WAYRA, Ocean Outdoor, Bliss Media and Proxama. He has also served on a number of Trade Body Boards, including the MMA and the Advertising Association.
Shaun studied at both Ashridge and Wharton Business School.
Other roles
Shaun is currently Non-Executive Chairman of Jonckers, a Belgian-based translation services and localisation technologies company; an Independent Non-Executive Director of HYGH, a digital advertising business based in Germany; a Board member of Childline (NSPCC); and Chairs the Advisory Board for The Sheffield Children’s Hospital.