Israel and Palestine – an update on call charges and roaming

Effective 1st October 2023, and until further notice, Gamma has stopped billing for calls to Israel and Palestine across all products, except our interconnect voice services.

We have all seen the news regarding the tragic situation in Israel and Gaza. Gamma is stopping call charges for these regions in the hope that it will support our channel partners and end-users affected by this situation.

The implementation detail is as follows:


Which products are included?

All products except IPIC, IPHC, Direct Connect or Direct Access. Our intention is for this to be as far-reaching as possible, but because we are aware that some of our interconnect partners operate least cost routeing engines, we have closed access to these products.

Mobile usage whilst roaming within Israel and Palestine (voice, SMS and data) will also be zero-rated in an effort to support any end customers currently in Israel or Palestine.


How long will this run for?

We anticipate that we will continue with this approach for as long as necessary to support the people of Israel and Palestine.